
Добро пожаловать - Welcome - ברוכים הבאים

About us

Sabra-Cat was founded and established in March 2011 as a non-profit entity (registered Association) aiming the growing need of the Israeli FIFe breeders, for a local, available, professional and reliable FIFe club. We are also aiming those cat breeders, in Israel, who are interested to breed their cats according to the high leveled FIFe's Breeding and Registrations rules and regulations.

We are welcoming new members to Sabra-Cat, and are working towards a yet growing FIFe Community, in Israel, which will assure us a respectable place in the FIFe International arena. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question and/or consultation needed. We shall be happy to oblige. Hereunder are Sabra-Cat's main goals, as have been defined while registering with the Registrar of Associations and which will be implemented fully according to FIFe's rules and regulations:

Educating and encouraging the love, health and welfare of the pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats in Israel.
Organizing National and International FIFe cat-shows in Israel.
Breeding and caring for pedigreed cats, in Israel.
Providing assistance and general guidance regarding the breeding of cats.
Initiating and organizing different educational and informational events, such as lectures and seminars.
Management of the Pedigree-Book (LO and RIEX) and issuing pedigrees for the pedigreed cats, with the FIFe logo, and according to its Breeding and Registration Rules.

Nurit Pahl - President




Sabra-Cat status changed from "under Patronage" to Full FIFe Membership status during the FIFe 2014 General Assembly held on 23 - 24 May 2014 in Riga, Latvia

After the vote - the Sabra-Cat President has reason to smile

" We are happy, moved and proud to have made it to full membership in FIFe. Thanks to the members of Sabra-Cat's Board for a great job done I " Nurit Pahl, Sabra-Cat President and Israel Delegate at the General Assembly