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About us

Sabra-Cat was founded and established in March 2011 as a non-profit entity (registered Association) aiming the growing need of the Israeli FIFe breeders, for a local, available, professional and reliable FIFe club. We are also aiming those cat breeders, in Israel, who are interested to breed their cats according to the high leveled FIFe's Breeding and Registrations rules and regulations.

We are welcoming new members to Sabra-Cat, and are working towards a yet growing FIFe Community, in Israel, which will assure us a respectable place in the FIFe International arena. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question and/or consultation needed. We shall be happy to oblige. Hereunder are Sabra-Cat's main goals, as have been defined while registering with the Registrar of Associations and which will be implemented fully according to FIFe's rules and regulations:

Educating and encouraging the love, health and welfare of the pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats in Israel.
Organizing National and International FIFe cat-shows in Israel.
Breeding and caring for pedigreed cats, in Israel.
Providing assistance and general guidance regarding the breeding of cats.
Initiating and organizing different educational and informational events, such as lectures and seminars.
Management of the Pedigree-Book (LO and RIEX) and issuing pedigrees for the pedigreed cats, with the FIFe logo, and according to its Breeding and Registration Rules.

Nurit Pahl - President



Friday, October 2, 2020

71 Years of Happy, Healthy Cats Mrs. Ravel Mme. Marguérite Ravel

annually to discuss and vote upon the proposals of the members, to elect new officers, debate new regulations and accept common strategies.

FIFe has always had good relations with all the major cat organisations of the world. Its official seat is in Luxembourg and its official languages are French, German and English. The Secretariat is administered by the FIFe General Secretary, who handles the daily affairs for all the members; these include the co-ordination of show dates, the processing of cattery names data and the administrative work of judges' examinations.
The name of FIFe is synonymous with quality and unity
An introduction of the FÊdÊration Internationale FÊline, a major international cat fanciers federation whose aim is to protect and preserve the various breeds of pedigree cats.
Please visit the official FIFe Org. web-site


The FIFe can be considered as the United Nations of Cat Federations. In fact it is a federation of national members representing, at present, 40 countries with 42 full members, but whose numbers continue to grow. These member organisations have chosen to follow the same rules with regard to the breed standards, breeding and registration, cattery names, shows, judges and student judges. This common interest has, over the years, been consolidated to create the high standard and international reputation of the FIFe.

One lady’s dream becomes reality

The idea of an international European cat federation was the dream of Madame Marguérite (Miggy) Ravel, a French cat lover, who first began working towards her goal in the early thirties. Finally, at a meeting in Paris in 1949 between the Royal Cat Society of Flanders, the French Cat Federation and the Italian Cat Society, her efforts bore fruit with the unofficial founding of the Fédération Internationale Féline d’Europe (FIFE).

The first FIFe show was held in Paris in 1949 at which over 200 cats were present with the exhibitors coming from France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. By today’s standards, 200 cats would be considered a very small show—one of the FIFe World Shows had more than 1500 entries with exhibitors coming from all over the world.

The site of the 1st FIFe show in Paris, 1949
On 10th December, 1950, the new federation held its first General Assembly in Ghent, Belgium and, with the acceptance of its statutes and rules, was officially founded. To mark the occasion, Madame Ravel presented each delegate with a cat, sculptured in pink sandstone (a photo of it adorns these pages), which she had especially commissioned from a French artist, Jean Martel.

The FIFE becomes the FIFe
The federation grew considerably over the years. With the acceptance of the Brazilian Clube Brasileiro do Gato in 1972, the FIFE had expanded beyond Europe and thus had to change its name, which it did at the following year’s General Assembly, becoming the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe).
Each of the national members of FIFe retains its own identity, with the FIFe guaranteeing their complete uniformity with cat registrations, shows, judges and judge training.

The accent within FIFe is on healthy and happy cats which is reflected in its rules with their emphasis on health and welfare.

The organisation The Executive Board of the FIFe is the co-ordinating body on the international level. The board is made up of six people from the member countries who are elected by the members; they manage the organisation according to its statutes. There are five supporting Commissions whose responsibility is to implement the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board. These are: the Judges & Standard Commission; Breeding & Registration Commission; the Show Commission; the Health & Welfare Commission; and the Disciplinary Commission. The democratic structure of the organisation guarantees each member equal voting rights at the General Assembly, which convenes annually to discuss and vote upon the proposals of the members, to elect new officers, debate new regulations and accept common strategies.

FIFe has always had good relations with all the major cat organisations of the world. Its official seat is in Luxembourg and its official languages are French, German and English. The Secretariat is administered by the FIFe General Secretary, who handles the daily affairs for all the members; these include the co-ordination of show dates, the processing of cattery names data and the administrative work of judges' examinations.

The name of FIFe is synonymous with quality and unity