
Добро пожаловать - Welcome - ברוכים הבאים

About us

Sabra-Cat was founded and established in March 2011 as a non-profit entity (registered Association) aiming the growing need of the Israeli FIFe breeders, for a local, available, professional and reliable FIFe club. We are also aiming those cat breeders, in Israel, who are interested to breed their cats according to the high leveled FIFe's Breeding and Registrations rules and regulations.

We are welcoming new members to Sabra-Cat, and are working towards a yet growing FIFe Community, in Israel, which will assure us a respectable place in the FIFe International arena. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question and/or consultation needed. We shall be happy to oblige. Hereunder are Sabra-Cat's main goals, as have been defined while registering with the Registrar of Associations and which will be implemented fully according to FIFe's rules and regulations:

Educating and encouraging the love, health and welfare of the pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats in Israel.
Organizing National and International FIFe cat-shows in Israel.
Breeding and caring for pedigreed cats, in Israel.
Providing assistance and general guidance regarding the breeding of cats.
Initiating and organizing different educational and informational events, such as lectures and seminars.
Management of the Pedigree-Book (LO and RIEX) and issuing pedigrees for the pedigreed cats, with the FIFe logo, and according to its Breeding and Registration Rules.

Nurit Pahl - President



Thursday, November 7, 2024

AsiaPali- एशिया पाली - پالی - пали - Asian Homecomings: SANSKRIT LOVE SONG TO INDIA / Gaiea Sanskrit

4,129,707 views Nov 10, 2018 : Priyam Bharatam, a poem by Shri Chandrabhanu Tripathi (translation underneath). Shared with me by Dr Sampadananda Mishra For all those who have ever been inspired by the beauty of the land, the beauty of the people, the beauty of the culture, the spirit of India. And for all those yet to fall in love...

Naturally lovely - Very delightful - Carrying to us rivers and stars - Charming and beautiful

On her forehead, the Himalaya mountain - At her feet, the sea - Beloved India, always beautiful

Receptacle of wealth, ever flowing - This India, equal with paradise - Whose fame, shining, a song among foreign lands - Beloved India, always to be worshipped

Many regions Many apparels - Many forms Many languages - Where we all are Indians - Beloved India, always to be protected

Where the people are wise, heroes in battles - Offering their bodies, They protect the country, - Where the People are of good conduct, fond of their own duty (dharma) - Beloved India, always to be praised

We bow to the land, to India, - The one supreme dharma, we always esteem, - For which we offer our wealth, our life, - Beloved India, always to be respected

प्रकृत्या सुरम्यं विशालं प्रकामम् - सरित्तारहारैः ललालं निकामम् - हिमाद्रिः ललाटे पदे चैव सिन्धुः - प्रियं भारतं सर्वथा दर्शनीयम्
prakṛtyā suramyaṃ viśālaṃ prakāmam - sarittārahāraiḥ lalālaṃ nikāmam - himādriḥ lalāṭe pade caiva sindhuḥ - priyaṃ bhārataṃ sarvathā darśanīyam

धनानां निधानं धरायां प्रधानम् - इदं भारतं देवलोकेन तुल्यम् - यशो यस्य शुभ्रं विदेशेषु गीतम् - प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा पूजनीयम्
dhanānāṃ nidhānaṃ dharāyāṃ pradhānam - idaṃ bhārataṃ devalokena tulyam - yaśo yasya śubhraṃ videśeṣu gītam - priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā pūjanīyam

अनेके प्रदेशा अनेके च वेषाः - अनेकानि रूपाणि भाषा अनेकाः - परं यत्र सर्वे वयं भारतीयाः - प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा रक्षणीयम्
aneke pradeśā aneke ca veṣāḥ - anekāni rūpāṇi bhāṣā anekāḥ - paraṃ yatra sarve vayaṃ bhāratīyāḥ - priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā rakṣaṇīyam

सुधीरा जना यत्र युद्धेषु वीराः - शरीरार्पणेनापि रक्षन्ति देशम् - स्वधर्मानुरक्ताः सुशीलाश्च नार्यः - प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा श्लाघनीयम्
sudhīrā janā yatra yuddheṣu vīrāḥ - śarīrārpaṇenāpi rakṣanti deśam - svadharmānuraktāḥ suśīlāśca nāryaḥ - priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā ślāghanīyam

वयं भारतीयाः स्वभूमिं नमामः - परं धर्ममेकं सदा मानयामः - यदर्थं धनं जीवनं चार्पयामः - प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा वन्दनीयम्
vayaṃ bhāratīyāḥ svabhūmiṃ namāmaḥ - paraṃ dharmamekaṃ sadā mānayāmaḥ - yadarthaṃ dhanaṃ jīvanaṃ cārpayāmaḥ - priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā vandanīyam


dseAsiaPali- एशिया पाली - پالی - пали - Asian Homecomings: SANSKRIT LOVE SONG TO INDIA / Gaiea Sanskrit: 4,129,707 views Nov 10, 2018 : Priyam Bharatam, a poem by Shri Chandrabhanu Tripathi (translation underneath). Shared with me by Dr Sampa...